Many Calgary families are wondering how to make ends meet and have a happy holiday.

Layoffs are hitting more than just the oil and gas industry. From construction to retail to utilities, people are losing jobs and losing hope.

Marilyn McIntosh lost her job in retail just as her husband lost his construction job and doesn’t know what to tell her three children.

“I think its heading down the road of this year we can't do Christmas” she said.

McIntosh has been searching for work but isn’t finding it. She spends most mornings at the Alberta Supports Centre hoping to get income assistance. Demand for income assistance has jumped more than 6% this year, according to Alberta Works. Help is handed out on a first come, first served bases… and lineups are long. McIntosh hopes to see protocols change.

“When you are truly down on your luck like that and you are really looking for a helping hand they’re not there for you,” she said.

Alberta’s Human Services Minister says the government has increased income support to 34 million dollars.

Meanwhile, pink slips continue to pile up. ATCO laid off as many as 400 employees on Wednesday.

"ATCO is responding to the extremely challenging economic times," said Carson Ackroyd, ATCO Group vice president of Marketing and Communications. "We wish to thank all of the people of ATCO, past and present, for their tremendous contributions to our company."

To date, more than 18,000 people have lost their jobs in group layoffs in Alberta.