Recent rains have given mosquito populations in Calgary an edge, and sent Calgarians scrambling for their bug spray.

Dry conditions through the month of May did make it seem that there would be more moderate amounts of the buzzing insects, but heavy rains so far in June have helped those numbers catch up and then some.

The city started their research on mosquito larvae in seasonal ponds and sitting water back at the beginning on May and they say that predicting mosquito populations is like predicting the water.

“If we have continued dry weather, typical spring temperatures, all those seasonal ponds and pools are going to start drying up, and most of that first hatch is going to be lost,” James Barrow, with the City of Calgary, said.

It takes larvae up to 21 days to mature into adult mosquitoes.

Calgary is home to 20 of the 44 species of mosquito known to live in Alberta.

The Alberta Health Services urges Albertans to take special precautions to protect themselves from the spread of West Nile virus.

These include:

  • using insect repellent with DEET
  • wearing long-sleeved, light-coloured shirts and pants
  • putting on a hat
  • consider staying indoors at dawn and dusk when mosquitoes are most active

One person died last year from an illness contracted from West Nile virus.

The AHS says it was the first death in the province since 2007.