Officials with the Town of High River are asking residents to reduce their water consumption following a Tuesday morning technical malfunction at the town’s water treatment plant.

Town officials have issued a Water Conservation Level 5 alert.

Residents are asked to:

  • Reduce the flushing of toilets
  • Abstain from washing of buildings, sidewalks and driveways
  • Restrict laundry use, bathing, dishwashing and cleaning

During the Water Conservation Level 5, the following activities are prohibited:

  • Watering lawns, trees and shrubs (unless water is sourced from a rain barrel)
  • Washing vehicles
  • Using water for grading, compaction and dust control

On Tuesday morning, the town’s water treatment plant was shut down after the building flooded.

““Crews are working as quickly as possible to get the water treatment plant back online,” said Albert Flootman, Director of Engineering, Planning & Operational Services. “We appreciate everyone’s assistance with conserving water while we work to correct this problem.”

For additional information on the water restrictions, visit Town of High River