Calgary Police had to be called to calm down the situation at a downtown hotel on Sunday where more than 100 people gathered in protest.

The group’s intent was to send a message to the Ethiopian government, calling a proposed dam project a scam that will only benefit the rich in their homeland.

The Abay Dam, along the Nile River, is being funded by the purchase of bonds.

Ethiopian officials, including the Ethiopian Consul General, were meeting at the hotel in Calgary over the weekend, in an attempt to sell said bonds.

Protesters say the government is pocketing much of the money raised and, to make matters worse, the Ethiopian people are being threatened and coerced to buy bonds to support the dam project.

The situation became heated once some protesters were denied access to the meetings even though they say they had accreditation to be there.

“We tried to get into the meeting,” says Teshagar Zawzie. “I don’t know what’s going on exactly. They close the doors, they call the police, the police are right here.”

Still, protesters are unhappy with the sale of the bonds because they say the government punishes them if they don't buy in.

“They use these efforts to see who is supporting the government and who is not supporting the government,” says Tesfaye Letla. “So they are harassing people. If you don’t buy bonds or you are not supporting the government, you’re not going to visit your relatives.”

Letla also says that indigenous people are losing land where they've lived for thousands of years because of the dam proposal itself.

Police managed to calm the situation down and no one was hurt during the proceedings.

The pro-government group holding the meeting released a statement saying the project is good for the country.

Protesters say they’ll be requesting the Alberta Securities Commission to look into the legalities of the bonds being sold.

For more information on supporters of the Abay Dam project visit the ETHIO-ABAY Development Association of Calgary's website.