Police are investigating a grisly discovery in the community of Sunalta after a woman’s body was found lying in the middle of a street early Wednesday morning.
Officers responded to the scene at approximately 4:00 a.m. after a cab driver discovered the body in the 1600 block of 15 Ave. S.W.
According to police, the driver of the cab barely noticed the woman lying in the street.
"He noticed what he thought was a bag on the ground," says Duty Inspector John McCarthy. "He did do more checking and noticed we had a body. Once that was happening, EMS was engaged and determined the person was deceased on the ground."
The Medical Examiner is investigating the death. The identity of the woman has not been determined.
Police say they will be conducting a reconstruction to see if there is any evidence of a car being on scene and have not ruled out the woman's death being the result of a crime.
A Sunalta resident told CTV he was surprised by the police presence in his neighbourhood Wednesday morning. "It's been a great neighbourhood. Nothing like this has ever happened before."
Police are also investigating an abandoned vehicle found near the intersection of 12 Ave. and 2 St. S.W. possessing significant damage, including a shattered windshield.
Police say they are interviewing one person in connection with the incident and are still trying to work out the series of events leading up to the crashed vehicle. Officers have not verified any connection between the two scenes.
Anyone with information about this incident should contact police at 403-266-1234 or Crime Stoppers anonymously using any of the following methods:
TALK: 1-800-222-8477
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