The City of Calgary says they are nearly finished with a deal to sell the notorious Cecil Hotel but still have no plans about what to do with the building after it’s bought.

The City is selling the building to the Calgary Municipal Land Corporation for somewhere between $11 and $12M.

Officials say that it’s still unclear what will be done with the site because they haven’t seen inside the building.

They are, however, looking for a prominent place in the city to display the hotel’s iconic sign.

The Cecil Hotel opened in 1912 as an inn for visiting labourers, however by the 1970s the hotel had fallen on hard times and it was also rife with crime.

In its last year of business, police were called to the area for over 1,700 calls of all sorts of incidents from assaults to drug deals.

Its business licence was revoked in 2009 and the property sold to the City of Calgary.

Since that time, calls to the police about the hotel have dropped by 91 percent.