
Lethbridge closes Elma Groves storm pond, Chinook Lake to mitigate goldfish population


Goldfish and koi are invasive species that have been introduced to a number of Lethbridge ponds. (Photo: City of Lethbridge)

The City of Lethbridge is closing Chinook Lake and Elma Groves storm pond in order to continue its efforts to mitigate the goldfish population in both.

Both bodies of water will be treated with Rotenone, which the city says is a "naturally-derived compound with a short half-life, meaning it will not remain in the water system for long and does pose threat to anything other than fish," according to the city's website.

There are no known natural predators for goldfish or koi in North America, which means their population can grow dramatically without human intervention.

Both are invasive species, which the city said means "high potential" to cause "disastrous" harm to the environment, economy and human health.

Chinook Lake Park will be closed until Friday afternoon.