The city of Calgary is buying the land where Cowboys sits to make room for a new underpass that will connect the area with the East Village.

The city is spending $8 million to buy the site at 1088 Olympic Way S.E. and hopes to start construction on the underpass within a year.

The new roadway will go along 4th St. and under 9th Ave S.E. and connect Stampede Park and the East Village.

The project will cost $70 million and includes the cost of the land, saving an old city building and the King Eddy Hotel and moving a long stretch of CPR tracks.

"We have to move the main lines of track from an east west point of view , this is the main train line , over to the south , as a detour, build the underpass , and then put the train tracks back on top and excavate the rest of the underpass," said Chris Ollenberger of the Calgary Municipal Land Corporation

It is not known whether Cowboys will relocate but Paul Vickers from the Pennylane Entertainment is expected to speak to the media on Friday.