As of Monday afternoon, the City of Calgary remains in a state of local emergency following the flooding of the Elbow and Bow Rivers.

The City of Calgary says there are signs of progress in Calgary’s waterways.

  • The flow at the Glenmore Dam is under control
  • The Elbow River flow downstream from the Glenmore Dam has returned to a manageable level of 170 cubic m/sec.
  • The Bow River flow at the Bearspaw dam had reduced to 850 cubic m/sec and 1000 cubic m/sec at the meeting of the Bow and Elbow.
  • The rivers remain dangerous and people are urged to stay a safe distance from the riverbanks

The city has developed a recovery map of the downtown core, with the region being divided into five sections.  ENMAX will restore electricity to these grids throughout the week, with the least damaged areas receiving power first.

As of Monday afternoon, power has been restored to the northwest section of downtown

  • Between 6 Ave. S.W. and the Bow River
  • Between 3 St. S.W. and 8 St. S.W.

Owners/property managers are permitted to inspect the damage in their building and arrange for City of Calgary inspections of heating, ventilation, plumbing and gas.

Mayor Nenshi says the opening of downtown will be a multi-day event, and will probably take between two and three days.

Residents of Inglewood are returning to their homes to conduct self-assessments (with the exception of those living on 8 Ave. S.E., east of 22 St, on the banks of the Bow).

The Inglewood Community Centre (1704 24 Ave. S.E.) is the re-entry location for the southeast community.

Calgary Transit has restored approximately 80 per cent of its bus service and hopes to resume service to the northeast, northwest and west LRT lines in the next few days.  The south leg of the LRT requires significant repairs and will be temporarily replaced with a shuttle service.

Blue Bin recycling pickup service has been suspended for all Calgary neighbourhoods, but garbage collection will continue in all areas not affected by flooding.