The Sudanese community came together on Sunday to mourn the loss of 2 people who died in what is believed to be a murder suicide.

Police were called to the Eau Claire Apartments early Saturday morning and discovered the body of a man in the rear parking lot.

Police back tracked from the parking lot scene to a sixth floor apartment where they found the body of a woman.

Family members of the woman have identified her as Mary.

A 3-year-old boy was found unharmed in the apartment by police.

Mary's family says that the body in the parking lot was that of her common-law husband and it is believed he jumped to his death.

Mary's brother says his sister was a loving, caring person who had taken out a restraining order against her common-law husband in the past year.

Mary came to Canada in the 1990's as a refugee from Sudan and worked at a local day care.

According to the family, Mary met her common-law husband about 4 years ago.