People in Airdrie, Calgary and parts of southern Alberta are still picking up after a huge hail storm slammed parts of the province on Thursday and another thunderstorm rolled into the area on Friday afternoon bringing more hail and heavy rain.

Environment Canada issued a number of thunderstorm watches and warnings throughout the day.

Thunderstorms developed through the central and southern parts of the province on Friday afternoon and dumped a blanket of hail on lawns and green spaces.

In Calgary, hail was reported across the city with stones ranging in size from peas to marbles.

Meanwhile, people in Airdrie were still assessing the damage after Thursday’s storm when Friday's weather system blew in.

A number of homes and vehicles were hit hard on Thursday and residents are in the process of contacting their insurance companies.

Rob Jamieson was at work when the storm hit and his home is now pockmarked with hail stone holes.

“I didn’t really put it together that that hit so close to home until pulling into my driveway and seeing Swiss cheese siding,” said Jamieson.

He says he tried to contact his insurance company on Thursday night but was left holding for about an hour due to call volume. He managed to get ahold of them on Friday and says he was told the company is pulling in extra resources to help with claims.

Many others are also calling in claims including Russell Street whose car was damaged by the storm.

“It’s definitely a hassle to go through. I actually just put in a claim yesterday morning for the hail storm about three weeks ago so I had to call back about six hours later and put in another claim to the insurance company which is a hassle but at least we’re covered,” said Street.

RCMP in Airdrie say they responded to 24 hail related calls between 4:00 and 6:00 p.m. Thursday ranging from alarms to motor vehicle collisions.

Click HERE for the latest watches and warnings.