Calgary police have recovered a pair of Japanese Maples that were removed from the planters out front of the Royale Brasserie on 17th Avenue earlier this week.

The trees were pulled from their pots at about 3:00 a.m. Monday and the whole thing was captured on a security camera at the restaurant.

In the video, a man out walking his dog is seen pulling the trees from the two planters and placing them on the ground. The man walks away and then returns about 15 minutes later and picks up the trees and runs away, with the dog in tow.

“We were just disappointed and then when we saw the video, it was really quite funny so it was hard not to laugh when we saw a very small dog being dragged around, we felt bad of course, but it was disappointing but it is what it is and we’ve been doing this a long time and this sort of stuff happens but hopefully this will stop it from happening more,” said Devin Morrison, Director of Operations for Teatro Restaurant group.

The restaurant shared the video on social media to alert others and to hopefully shame the person who took the trees into returning them.

“Just another example of how powerful it is, it’s amazing. Was wild to see the reach that it got and how the community supported this so hugely and the restaurant community is so tight knit and everybody’s friendly and everybody’s friends so they love pitching in and helping so it’s been wild to see everybody’s support,” said Morrision.

On Thursday morning, police confirmed that they located a person of interest in the case and say charges are pending.

“We just got a call from Calgary police and they said we have recovered your trees and we would like a statement and we would love to return them to you. So they came down and we did exactly that and they had a big smile on their face, pulled them out of the back of the car and let us know that they received an anonymous tip,” said Morrison

Morrision says they have no plans to take the maples inside at night and will continue to leave the trees out front so everyone can enjoy them.