Danielle Smith, leader of Alberta’s opposition says the PC leadership race is filled with questionable practices.

Smith made the comments on Monday morning at a media conference held in Calgary.

She says that Jim Prentice’s admitted practice of giving away PC Party memberships for free is wrong.

All of the other candidates for leadership have been selling memberships, but Prentice said he would be giving them away to help bring people into the party and help the leadership race.

Smith is calling the practice another in a long list of questionable practices.

“We see the same old practices coming forward and I think Jim Prentice, quite frankly, should be ashamed of himself,” she told the gathering. “I would hope that with the backlash he’s been receiving over the last number of days that he changes tactics and announces that he will abide by the spirit of the rules, selling memberships like other contenders will.”

Ric McIver, another PC leader candidate, first brought the issue to light.

A spokesperson for the PC Party says it can’t stop the leadership candidates from giving away the membership cards, even though they should be sold.