
Project Red Ribbon reminds people not to drink and drive


MADD's Project Red Ribbon discourages impaired driving.

You may see people wearing red ribbons as we head toward the holiday season. MADD Canada is handing out millions of them as part of Project Red Ribbon.

The campaign runs from November 1 to January 4, and is a symbol of the wearer's commitment to sober driving. Its also a tribute to the thousands of Canadians who are killed and injured in impairment-related crashes each year.

MADD Canada National President Angeliki Souranis, who lost her son Craig in an impairment-related crash in 2008, says the effects of drinking and driving are far-reaching. “Every number represents not only a person who’s been killed or seriously injured in a crash, it represents a whole family that is changed forever.” she said.

The campaign features two unique highlights: MADD Canada's new public service announcement which will begin airing on television in November and December, and the lighting up red of three of Canada's best-known landmarks... the Calgary Tower, Toronto's CN Tower, and Niagara Falls.

A Checker Yellow Cab was also unveiled painted half as a taxi and half as a police car, with the words "Choose Your Ride".

MADD Canada urges people to call #TAXI on their cell phones if they need a lift. You can also support Project Red Ribbon by texting "MADD" to 45678 to donate five dollars.