A Calgary court has sentenced a former Mountie to five years in prison for molesting three young boys.

Arnold James Somers, 72, is going back to jail and on Friday was sentenced to seven years in a federal prison for sexually abusing three pre-teen boys.

Somers was someone the boys and their families trusted and they thought they could count on him so they never suspected he was someone who would prey on children.

Two of the children’s parents were in court for the sentencing bon Friday.

“We’re pleased that the judge went with the high end of the recommendation,” said one parent.

It is the second jail term for Somers who was jailed for two years in Saskatchewan in the 90s for similar abuse against boys there.

Doctors who worked on both cases said in an evaluation that Somers showed little empathy for his victims and didn’t seem to understand the gravity of what he had done.

“We basically have figured out now that everything, for the whole time he involved in our family was a lie,” said a parent.

The parents who spoke out after the decision say they are proud of their boys for speaking up  and telling the painful truth.

They say that courage put a child predator back behind bars and will likely spare other potential victims.

“Continue to heal and work with our kids and continue to show them all the love that we possibly can.”

Somers was given nearly two years credit for time already served and six months of that was because he was beaten at the Calgary Remand Centre and suffered permanent injuries.

(With files from Elissa Carpenter)