City council has now unveiled a new decal to be placed on all city vehicles that supports the efforts of all first responders and troops.

Councillor Shane Keating brought forward a motion about the decals on Monday morning, unearthing an old debate facing the city for quite some time.

Three years ago, council voted to have voluntary support from city employees, leaving the decision in their hands about whether or not to have them on their vehicles.

Now, a new decal that supports the efforts of paramedics, fire fighters, police officers, as well as soldiers will be placed on all vehicles.

Keating says that its during this time of year that those four groups need to be supported most. "We appreciate everything they do."

Many Calgarians are supportive of the idea of having the decals on all city vehicles. "I think it is a good idea. People should get the awareness of what has happened and what the government is doing for that. If it's not done, then people would forget."

Officials say the idea has new strength because of the deaths of two Canadian servicemen last month – Corporal Nathan Cirillo in Ottawa, and Warrant Officer Patrice Vincent in Quebec.