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Alberta's U22 women's box lacrosse team repeats as national champions


Team Alberta’s U22 women’s box lacrosse team was dominant at this year’s national championship in Regina, winning the tournament for the second year in a row.

Alberta finished with a record of 6-0 and outscored their opponents 80-16, but the championship game was close until the third period.

Alberta and B.C. were all knotted at one after two periods but the third belonged to Alberta.

They scored four unanswered goals to beat B.C. 5-1. Captain Sally Friesen says it was all about teamwork.

“I haven’t played on a team like this in a long time,” she said.

“It really pulled us through in games that were close. Like our final game, we were tied for a while and then we were able to pull ahead because the team wanted it so bad and the heart was there and the energy on the bench was just so electric.”

The repeat was special

This year’s championship was especially sweet for assistant captain Lizzy Finley. Last year, she broke her wrist in the championship game and had to watch most of it from the sidelines.

This year, she played the whole game and says that made the repeat even more special.

“I think the first year was really special because it was Alberta’s first female gold medal,” she said.

“This one is extra special because you don’t expect that to happen two years in a row. To do the same thing again is even more difficult.”

Going for the three-peat

Friesen, 21, and three other members of Team Alberta have aged out, so this was their swan song. Friesen says the back-to-back tournaments are quite a way to go out.

“I’ve been playing lacrosse for nine years and I’ve never won a gold medal. To end it in my last year is awesome and it couldn’t have been a better way to go out,” she said.

Losing players like Friesen won’t be easy for Team Alberta next season. But head coach Robin Finley says he believes they can be just as good in 2025.

“I think we’re going to build another strong team next year,” he said.

“We are losing four really key players who will be tough to replace but that’s part of my job as the coach to bring them up the ladder.

“You know individual skill is great but the team always wins when you put the team first.”

Lizzy Finley will return for her final season next year and believes a three-peat is a very real possibility.

“You know sometimes it’s not always about skill,” she said.

“Sometimes it’s about heart and coaching strategy. There’s so much that goes into it and I think that’s the part that Alberta has down pat so I’m confident we could win again.” Top Stories

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