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Helping Albertans make the most of their energy to reduce costs

Between inflation, the carbon tax and a challenged supply chain, Albertans are feeling the impacts of the cost of living these days. As the darker, colder winter months approach, people will be consuming more energy too, leaving Albertans wondering how they can reduce costs.

 “With winter on the way and people dealing with rising costs of all essential items, there are some actions homeowners can take to help save by reducing consumption," says Sherise Thompson, Director of ATCOenergy. “Understanding the options available when it comes to your energy plan is the best place to start, and knowing the difference between the types of rates and charges can help Albertans feel more comfortable.”

Many people aren’t aware that they have choices when it comes to their energy rates in an unregulated market. This means that Albertans can select their retailer, the type of plan they’re on and the types of rates based on what’s available.       

Depending on the retailer they choose, Albertans have access to rates that stay consistent. These are called guaranteed or fixed rates. Alternatively, customers can choose rates that fluctuate with market prices. “There can be advantages to different types of rates depending on how energy is used and what’s happening in the market,” adds Thompson. “That’s why it’s so important to know what type of plan you’re on.”

Additionally, if someone hasn’t selected a retailer or a contract, they’re likely on the default Regulated Rate Option (RRO). In this case, the rate is set based on the market every month, and it can fluctuate substantially. “Guaranteed energy rates are a great way to gain control over your energy bill,” continues Thompson. “When the rate stays the same, the change in cost is more dependent on how much energy households are consuming, versus what the market is doing.”

There are also a variety of regulated third-party fees, but people often don’t realize a portion of these fees also fluctuates with consumption. In the winter months, when the days are colder and shorter, anyone getting an energy bill will certainly want to pay close attention to their home efficiency.

ATCOenergy’s sister company, Rümi, knows all about running an efficient home to reduce energy consumption. Home Solutions Lead, Brendan Graham has more than 20 years of experience in the home improvement industry and has provided 10 tips to help improve energy use in any home.


10 Energy Saving Tips for Alberta Homes

1. Install a register booster fan. Says Graham, “Every home I inspect has a room that’s too hot or cold. These DIY fans fit inside registers and have built-in fans to boost the air volume. During cooler or warmer weather, these simple devices can change the air temperature by two to three degrees Celsius without your furnace having to work harder.”

2. Clean furnace filters. Whether homeowners have a plastic or cardboard furnace filter, it’s important to keep the filters free of dust all year round. Replaceable filters should be switched out and plastic filters should be cleaned with water every four to six weeks.

3. Passive heating and cooling. Most households can capture or repel solar passive heat, by purchasing blinds that have an R-value to them. These thicker insulated blinds help keep the heat or cool air inside the home.

4. Reduce use of high consumption appliances. Dryers are one of the most inefficient household appliances. Consider monitoring consumption or hanging laundry to dry on an indoor drying rack.

5. Preventative maintenance. “The best thing homeowners can do is upkeep their appliances,” says Graham. “Regular maintenance will not only prevent an unexpected breakdown, but will keep the appliance working its best which will reduce monthly energy bills. If it has a filter, ensuring it’s regularly changed or cleaned is important, and is often missed.” Some common missed spots include humidifier vapor pads, hood range fans, and draining hot water tanks.

6. Consistent home temperatures. Large swings in home temperature in any season will force heating and cooling systems to work harder than they need to. By sticking to a consistent temperature, energy consumption remains steady. Switching to a smart thermostat could help give you more control.

7. Attic Insulation. Over time, insulation can become compressed and blown around from its intended resting place. When homeowners add additional insulation, it can keep the hot or cool air inside the home and prevent it from escaping. By adding an extra six inches of blown-in insulation, homeowners can expect to save eight to 10 per cent on their energy bills.

8. Closing vents. Whether homeowners are heating or cooling their home, they should consider which rooms they want to direct energy towards. By closing vents in rooms that are used less frequently, the heating and cooling system can push that energy into the rooms that are occupied, letting the furnace and air conditioning unit work less.

9. Convert an electric hot water tank to gas. “Any homeowner planning on living in the same home for more than five years should have a gas hot water tank,” says Graham. It’s common for new builds to have an electric hot water tank because it’s more affordable to install but will cost the average homeowner $50 more per month at current rates. Graham also recommends Alberta homeowners consider gas appliances as they also tend to cost less monthly.

10. Consider updating to modern standards. If windows and doors are more than 20 years old, it might be time to consider upgrading. New windows have an increased R-value, which will help retain the heat in the winter and keep the house cooler in the summer.

Small changes in habits can make big impacts when it comes to household energy consumption. Albertans looking for more ways to make their home more energy efficient can learn more by booking a call with a Rümi certified home inspector here.