Parks Canada officials have confirmed an adult male black bear has died after being struck by a vehicle on the Trans-Canada Highway Monday evening.

A Parks Canada Resource Conservation Specialist located the bear after being dispatched to a section of the highway near the Yoho Ranch after the collision was reported.  

Parks Canada Communication Officer Omar McDadi says black bears play a vital role in the local ecosystem and officials are deeply saddened by the loss.

Visitors to national parks are reminded of the importance of obeying posted speed limits and to remain cautious on highways, especially at dusk and dawn when animals are most active.

If you spot a bear in Banff, Kootenay or Yoho national parks, please contact Park Canada at 403-762-1470.  The location and time of the sighting, as well as distinguishing features of the bear (including possible collars or ear tags) will assist officials in their gathering of information.