CALGARY -- Students at Central Memorial High School will be studying at home for the rest of this week.

A recent spike in COVID-19 cases there prompted the school to transition all grades and classes to online delivery beginning Monday until March 26 with a few exceptions.

Exceptions include those in the Communication, Sensory and Social Interaction (CSSI) classes; Teaching of Attitude, Social Skills, and Communication (TASC) program; and Bridges IV (Flex). Students in William Roper Hull and Wood’s Homes classes will still be able to attend in-person.All students will return to in-person instruction following Spring Break’s end on April 6.

The school is on outbreak status according to the provincial COVID-19 status map.

Anyone who may have been in contact with a positive case has been notified by Alberta Health Services.

The school said in a letter sent Sunday to parents and guardians that due to a significant number of cases in a “short time frame” and the “operational challenges” created, Central Memorial had to transition online.

“The school is well positioned to support students through at home learning this period of time that they will be online.”