A lockdown at the Mike Mountain Horse School in Lethbridge on Wednesday has resulted in weapons charges against a 37-year-old man.
Police were called to the school just before 10:00 a.m. after a man reportedly entered the building saying he was being chased and had a weapon.
The man was contained in an empty room while authorities called police and initiated a lockdown.
When police arrived they entered the front office and arrested the man without incident.
The man was searched and a hatchet and knife were found concealed in his coat.
Godfrey Adrian Shouting, 37, of no fixed address, is charged with possession of an offensive weapon dangerous to the public, carrying a concealed weapon and breach of an undertaking.
"Anytime someone shows up with a weapon at a school, causes great concern for the public and police," said LRPS S/Sgt Trevor Sheppard.
Investigators say the man was seen walking a few blocks away, near Father Leonard Van Tighem School and that he was acting erratically, before he entered the elementary school.
Police believe the man may have been under the influence of drugs or alcohol and say there is no evidence to suggest the man targeted the school or entered it with the intent to harm students or staff.
Following the arrest, officials at the school met with staff and students to discuss the incident.
"It was very important for the students to hear that they'd done a good job and that they were safe and everything had been contained," said Wendy Fox, Associate Superintendant. "Because we have the lockdown drill firmly implanted in what we do, even the staff today said that they knew exactly what to do and they knew everything was in-hand because the police responded really quickly."
Shouting is in custody and is expected to appear in court on the charges on December 21, 2015.