CALGARY -- Perhaps in an effort to spread a little holiday cheer to people stuck in their cars, the City of Calgary announced a plan Thursday to clear snow off residential streets.
The tweet, which was posted @yyctransport, said "Starting early Thursday, citizens will notice crews have moved ahead in our seven-day snow plan to work on residential areas. While it is still day two of our seven-day snow plan, which focuses on Priority two routes (ie. Kensington Road, Acadia Drive), we want to help citizens who are having difficulty in their residential areas, typically priority three and four roads."
The announcement went on to state that "Plows will be flatblading along the driving lane (middle of the road), leaving approximately five centimetres of snow on the roadway. This may create small windrows in some areas, however we anticipate it will help citizens navigate through residential neighbourhoods.
"This technique," it continued, "is designed to work with the above zero temperatures forecast for December 24."
Despite the rules in place in regards to snow events, the City said it doesn't plan to call a snow route parking ban.
"Large accumulations of snow on alternate parking areas are significant and stay-at-home health orders means more alternate parking is occupied during the day."