Drivers have additional free on-street parking options on Saturdays following the Calgary Parking Authority’s mandated decision to remove the fees in nine select areas scattered throughout downtown and the Beltline.

The CPA reviewed its rates for 143 parking areas and elected to, effective January 1, 2019:

  • Decrease 58 of its rates by $0.25
  • Leave 80 rates as is
  • Increase five of its rates by $0.25

The price adjustments reflect parking demand determined by data collected through the ParkPlus system and are reviewed on an annual basis.

On Thursday, crews continued the process of adjusting parking signs to reflect the free Saturday parking in the nine areas as well as free parking in two areas of Inglewood during select times on Saturdays.

For additional information regarding parking fees and the 2019 price adjustments visit Calgary Parking Authority - On-Street Rates