The next generation of big-name gaming is looking to shake up the industry in November.

Google announced this week their gaming platform, Stadia, will have a limited release in Canada, the U.S. and a dozen European nations, and a console won't be needed to use their cloud-based service, which can be enjoyed on a TV, desktop, laptop, and even some smartphones.

Games will be streamed through YouTube, with Google saying they will stream in 4K resolution at 60 frames per second, even over Wi-Fi, for their $10-per-month Pro Edition, which also features a glut of free games in its library. Newer content, however, will still need to be purchased.

As far as content is concerned, Alphabet Inc. has attracted some of the industry's biggest game developers, including Bethesda, Ubisoft and Square Enix.

At least 30 titles will be available from launch, including the long-awaited Borderlands 3, Final Fantasy 15, Tom Clancy's The Division 2, and Destiny 2. Content unique to Stadia has also been confirmed.

For users wanting more, the release will feature a Founder's Edition, which will come with Destiny 2 and all the game’s previous add-ons, a Chromecast Ultra (which will deliver on the 4K pledge) and a gaming controller, among other perks.

A no-frills free version, slated for release in 2020, will be streamable at 1080p, and users will simply keep the games they purchase in lieu of having Google’s free-game menagerie.

Google Stadia’s Pro Edition is slated for release on Nov. 14.