Civilians and first responders were lauded on Wednesday at the Calgary Fire Department’s Beyond the Call recognition event for their contributions during emergency situations that occurred in the last two years.

Calgary Fire Department Chief Steve Dongworth awarded more than Calgarians with certificates of appreciation, certificates of recognition or medals of commendation during a ceremony at Fort Calgary.

“It’s remarkable and it speaks to the fact that before we get to the scene, as a professional organization, there’s often people who are there, neighbours walking by, who make that very deliberate choice often to put their own lives at risk to help other people in their community,” said Chief Dongworth. “It’s the members of the public who have neither the training nor the equipment and they’re just thrust into some very difficult circumstances.”

“For the benefit of the community, they step up and do what they can.”

Margaret Bell was one of the recipients of distinction at the luncheon as the CFD commended her brave actions in August of 2017. Bell was in the midst of her morning walk around the Glenmore Reservoir when she spotted something out of place in the water.

“I thought it was a beaver bobbing in the water,” Bell told CTV following the rescue. “As I got closer, I noticed it was a person floundering in the water.

Bell entered the water, used her jacket to tow the struggling man to shore and stayed with him until emergency crews arrived.

“I know that if I wouldn’t have done it, I never would have been able to live with myself,” said Bell after accepting her award on Wednesday. “I still get emotional about it.”

Bell says it was an honour to stand alongside other courageous Calgarians.

Chief Dongworth said bravery extends outside emergency personnel, gesturing to the group of people recognized on Wednesday. “People often look at responders as heroes – These people are heroes, no question.”

The 2018 recipients were nominated by members of the Calgary Fire Department or their fellow Calgarians.

With files from CTV’s Stephanie Wiebe

The following is the list of recipients from the 2018 Beyond the Call event:

Certificate Appreciation (providing first aid or kindness to a victim)

Karen Somerville

Certificate of Recognition (significant effort to help during emergency where danger was present)

Brandon Luc - Shawna Englund - Dustin Hanson - Sheldon Burton - Kimberley Dueck
Kim Fisher - Cory Janes - Melissa Paquette - Shaun Marcia

Commendation/Medal of Bravery (proactively intervening during emergency, risking personal injury to save another life)

Sebastian Porter - Marc Chartier - Sara Hein - Junta Goyeche
Todd Nabozniak - Mackenzie Martineau - Kaden Clouston - Mike Guitierrez
Chelsea Krpan - Raymond Fang - Margaret Bell