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Hot weather settles in for Calgary


Calgary is in for some hot weather over the next several days as Environment and Climate Change Canada predicts the city will see highs reaching toward 30 C.

ECCC says those temperatures, coupled with 14 C lows at night, means the city is under a heat warning.

"Heat warnings are issued when very high temperature conditions are expected to pose an elevated risk of heat illnesses, such as heat stroke or heat exhaustion," the agency wrote on its website on Wednesday.

Under these conditions, residents are urged to consider the following precautions to protect themselves and their loved ones:

  • Consider rescheduling outdoor activities to cooler hours of the day;
  • Take frequent breaks from the heat, spending time in cooled indoor spaces where possible;
  • Drink plenty of water and other non-alcoholic, non-caffeinated beverages to stay hydrated; and
  • Check for your children or pets before you exit your vehicle.

Children and seniors, as well as those with pre-existing conditions, are more susceptible to heat-related illnesses including heat stroke, ECCC says.

"Monitor for symptoms of heat stroke or heat exhaustion, such as high body temperature, lack of sweat, confusion, fainting, and unconsciousness."

Temperatures are expected to level out by the weekend. Top Stories

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