A former B.C. teacher who was punished for what a disciplinary report calls unprofessional behaviour is now teaching in Bassano, Alberta.

Daniel Ogloff was a teacher at Aldergrove Community Secondary School in September, 2013 when he was accused of sticking a piece of masking tape onto the back of a Grade 11 student’s jacket with the words “I’m gay” written on it.

The B.C. shop teacher has been reprimanded for the homophobic prank.

Ogloff is now teaching at Bassano school, a K to 12 school in the town of Bassano, 140 kilometres east of Calgary.

The Bassano school is part of the Grasslands Public Schools division.

David Steele, the superintendent for Grasslands Public Schools said “I was disappointed that we didn’t know about it before”, but he adds the school board did extensive reference checks before hiring Ogloff and the references were all positive.

Steele said “what’s happened, happened elsewhere, and our process is we have done reference checks and due diligence in our hiring process and from here on in he’s working with us and we’ll work with him to ensure he’s respectful to everyone he’s working with.”

Ogloff started working at the school in Bassano in January, 2014.

A disciplinary report by the B.C. Commissioner for Teacher Regulation which was released this week said Ogloff considered the prank to be “horseplay,” but admitted his conduct was still unacceptable.

“Ogloff acted unprofessionally, disrespectfully and without regard for students’ physical and emotional safety,” it said.

The school district in B.C. suspended him without pay for 10 weeks from November, 2013 to January. 2014.  He was also ordered to participate in restorative action with the student and complete courses determined by the district.

“Ogloff disputes the appropriateness of this discipline,” the report said.

As a final measure, the B.C. Commissioner of Teacher Regulation said Ogloff's teacher’s certificate of qualification was suspended for two weeks starting Monday of this week.

In 2011, Ogloff was given a verbal warning for inappropriate comments made to Grade 7 students at a B.C. school.