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'I never take it for granted': Stamps' Josh Coker loving every moment on the football field


Calgary Stampeders offensive lineman Josh Coker didn't take a traditional route to professional football.

He attended Rhodes College, which was a Division 3 school.

Coker has had to fight for every yard in his career but he's proof positive if you get coaching and you work hard enough, anything can happen.

"When the time comes, you always take advantage but I always knew I had the ability and I just wanted to work toward it in case the opportunity presented itself," he said.

"It did and now I'm here and I'm grateful to be here and I never take it for granted."

Coker loves being on the football field.

He likes to smile and he likes to dance.

Roommate and fellow offensive lineman D'Antne Demery says Coker is always positive.

"That's him, man. That's his energy all the time," he said.

"You'll never see a frown on his face. He's always smiling, always in a great mood, always great energy."

This is Coker's third year with the Stamps.

He's still learning but the team likes what he brings.

"He does bring it, every day. He enjoys life, plays hard," said head coach Dave Dickenson.

"He's a thorn in a lot of defensive linemen’s side during the game and a guy we like on our team."

Coker didn't always play on the offensive side of the ball.

When he was younger, he was a defensive lineman and linebacker.

In college, he made the full-time switch to offensive tackle.

"As an offensive lineman, you can eat a little bit more, too, and stay strong in that sense," Coker said.

"I love the offensive line because sometimes, the position doesn't get a lot of attention – your group may not get a lot of attention – but you put in work and really push the team forward and as people say, the game of football is won in the trenches."

The Calgary Stampeders are back on the field after the bye week, getting set to go up against the 0-3 Winnipeg Blue Bombers at McMahon Stadium on Saturday. Top Stories

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