The Alberta Serious Incident Response Team (ASIRT) released an image Tuesday of the machete-like weapon a 35-year-old man was armed with when he was shot by the Calgary Police early Sunday morning.

ASIRT released details of the incident while it's still being reviewed and analyzed for information and context about what led to the man being injured after being shot by a handgun, in addition to a variety of non-lethal projectiles, including  an Arwen less-lethal launcher, a PepperBall launcher, iand a Taser.

The incident unfolded shortly after 4 the 200 block of Shawville Boulevard SE, in response to a report about a man armed with a bat acting erratically.

When uniformed officers got out of their car, the man moved towards them, holding the machete in his right hand and a small folding knife in his left, while the officer backed off.

When the man continued to move towards the police officer, closing the distance between them, he fired his service pistol, striking the man in the lower torso.

He fell to the ground in the seated position, still gripping the machete and knife.

Efforts to get the man to surrender the weapons produced no results, until more police arrived.

Instead, the man waved the weapons while seated on the pavement.

Eventually, the Arwen less-lethal launcher, which fires plastic rounds, was deployed by an officer, but still didn’t succeed in disarming him. The tactical unit tried to negotiate with him, but he refused to drop the machete.

At around 7 a.m., tactical officers deployed the Pepperball launcher, which fires projectiles containing pepper powder, and a CEW (Taser), which succeeded in disarming him.

After that, the man was taken into custody, and transported to hospital, with non-life threatening injuries.

He has been diagnosed with a broken femur, as well as as penetrating wounds.

The BWV video is still being reviewed and analyzed by ASIRT.