Bill Macfarlane

CTV News Calgary Video Journalist



**As of June 2024, Bill is no longer with CTV Calgary**

Bill Macfarlane is a reporter and occasional anchor for CTV Calgary with a special interest in wildlife, military and the economy.

Bill joined CTV Calgary in 2011 after 6 years on Vancouver Island where he cut his teeth in print media before making the jump to television and commercial production.

He holds degrees in English (St. Francis Xavier University) and Journalism (Thompson Rivers University).

Bill grew up in the greater Toronto-area but, after his first visit to the Rockies, knew that Alberta would be his eventual home. An RTDNA award winner, he has a special love for well-crafted stories blending pictures and sound that allow strong characters to shine.

Bill lives in Calgary with his wife and two kids. Although he doesn’t log quite as many days and nights in tents or on the sides of mountains as he used to, he’d still take a week in Kananaskis over a month just about anywhere else.

Bill speaks English and (very) halting Spanish.

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