Over two months since flooding devastated Calgary’s downtown core, Old City Hall is now opening and employees will be returning to work in the building.

The building has been unoccupied ever since flooding damaged the mechanical and electrical systems.

All those damaged systems are now repaired and have been tested.

Staff will be able to return to work, but employees working on the first, third, and fourth floors will be delayed due to crews working on replacing carpeting which is past its useful life.

Sharon Purvis, director of Corporate Properties and Buildings, says that it was a priority of theirs to allow citizens to participate in Council and committee meetings. “We were also committed to returning our displaced colleagues to safe and fully functioning buildings as quickly as possible. Old City Hall is the last building to re-open and we’re pleased to be able to welcome back our displaced colleagues.”

Until all the work is finished at Old City Hall, all committee meetings will continue to be held at Deerfoot Junction.

Council meetings will be resuming in Council Chambers on September 9.

Repairs are continuing on the damaged electrical and mechanical systems in the basement levels of the Municipal Building, Old City Hall, and the Administration Building.

The city is also changing their focus to figure out ways to mitigate future flood risk and service delivery.