The Calgary Central Library has reopened more than two months after it was forced to close because of flooding.

The central branch sustained severe damage when the basement filled with water.

The mechanical works were destroyed and even now only one of several elevators is working.

“The lower level, the basement of the central library was severely damaged in the floods and we lost furniture, office equipment. Our elevator banks were down there which is why they’re closed, we’re down to one functioning elevator,” said April Serink, Marketing Manager of the Calgary Public Library.

The city, library staff and hundreds of volunteers worked around the clock for weeks to make sure the library was open in time for the start of the new school year.       

“We anticipated opening in mid-September and now we’re early so we’re very excited to finally be opening,” said Serink.

Serink says it is not quite business as usual and customers will see a number of changes as some items have been relocated.

Tthe official Grand Opening will be on Tuesday, September, 2, 2013.