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Outdoor show aims to help hikers stay safe out on the trails


The importance of using a compass and leaving a trip plan were just two of the messages Calgary Search and Rescue was hoping to get out during its second annual outdoor show.

Roughly 30 booths were set up outside the Montgomery Community Association on Saturday afternoon as operators sold equipment while other agencies like Canada Task Force 2’s Disaster Response Team answered questions.

Carolyn Bouwsema, Community Relations Director with Calgary Search and Rescue, says it’s a two-pronged event.

“It's part of a community initiative for us to let people engage with us learn, about who we are, what we do in the community," Bouwsema said. "As well as an educational component where we're teaching people about our adventure smart, hug a tree program, and survive outside – where it's talking about what you should think of before you go on adventures, leaving a trip pan, packing the essentials, and being trained and ready for the activities that you do in the outdoors.”

Attendees also learned some first aid, how to use a compass and the importance of pacing exercises.

Organizers estimate about 400 people attended Saturday’s outdoor show. Top Stories

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