A man who has been searching for Sasquatch for nearly a decade says he may finally have evidence that Bigfoot exists but he just needs the scientific community to help prove it.

Todd Standing has been searching for the beast for years and his hunt is being documented in the TV series "Survivor Man".

He wrote a paper when he was a student at the U of  A to prove that Sasquatch couldn’t exist in the ecology because there was no space for a primate out there.

That paper and the time he spent trying to capture Bigfoot on film changed his mind on its existence.

“I filmed them on two different occasions and it turned around where I was a proponent of the species. The miracle of this primate species existing has inspired me and many other people, all my colleagues, to want to prove this to mainstream science. To have a conversation with mainstream science about our evidence,” said Standing.

Standing says he recently found a hair in a trap he set in the backcountry between Banff and Radium and sent it for DNA testing.

“So that hair sample, I collected it in an area where I built these DNA traps of my own design and put apples up about twelve feet on a tree up near the top of a mountain, where I’m having tons of interactions with these Sasquatch and they’ve been taking whatever I put up there but they’ve been taking the apples specifically,” said Standing. “And while we’re sleeping there, takes these apples and left this hair sample for us.”

He sent the one cm length of hair for analysis and hopes the data will prompt the scientific community to come forward and provide more involved testing.

 “Sasquatch, again it’s evolved alongside human beings, probably has much more in common in the DNA than a chimpanzee. Sasquatch has a front facing nose unlike chimpanzees are internal. Sasquatch has a flat face. Sasquatch is bi-pedal, they’re the most man-like primate on the planet. Of course their DNA is going to test close that’s why I need a full nuclear DNA. That’s why I’m doing these interviews, is I’m trying to get somebody who will do those kinds of tests for me. You can’t pay for it.”

He says the results point to it being either human or some other uncatalogued species and that there is little chance that there was something wrong with the sample.

“The DNA came back on homo sapien. It didn’t miss a beat. It was perfect, like, and this guy went through every process, everything he did was totally accepted standards so if there was something off, there would be something off in every test and even the first chimpanzee one, remember that was 99 percent, it was prefect, so why are the other ones, and it has to be, if one’s 99 percent, it has to be 99, 99, 99, has to be. There’s nothing more than a one percent variance.”

Standing says the skepticism in the scientific community is keeping other believers from coming forward.

“I’ve been told by geneticists there’s a possibility that you could actually fake DNA. If you took a chimpanzee and bred it with a gorilla, and mixed those two, you would come back with some unknown species of primate, or chimp and orangutan, and that’s what they are afraid of. However, this species doesn’t test between any known primate, I’m not saying it’s a chimp and a human being mixed together, I’m saying you get chimp, human being, this is a homo sapien that tests further away from chimpanzees, gorilla and orangutans than homo sapiens do. I couldn’t have bred this, there’s no species to breed this with. Point 85 percent is off the chart. I’ve never found anybody who could even, they’re going to say this sample’s contaminated. I’m gonna say how is it contaminated? Four came back perfect. It’s a perfect genome so it’s a new species of primate based on two of the six tests.”

He says a full nuclear DNA test will help get more people on board but he doesn’t think it will be enough to convince the world that Sasquatch is real.

“I think we just need one more guy and that’s a geneticist and I’ll have the five people I need to push this forward and really get some scientific people on board,” said Standing. “With my geneticist, I’m done, I’ll have enough for the discovery.”

He says new technology like drones and thermal imaging will also help him to continue with his research.