The Calgary Downtown Association and University of Calgary’s School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape (SAPL) have teamed up to tidy alleyways in the downtown core. 

The Green Alley Project, a three year pilot, consists of murals on buildings that are visually appealing as well as enhanced storm water infrastructure to allow for possible future vegetation growth. 

"Storm water can actually connect with plants and horticulture in these kinds of spaces,"” said Josh Taron, associate dean for the U of C's SAPL.

The downtown business association approached the school and the two have been working on research for new ideas since April. 

"It's part of our master plan to change the narrative from all the challenges we have had downtown to new innovative ideas," said Marco De Iaco, executive director of the Calgary Downtown Association. "We wanted to work on some creative solutions for and we thought it was a perfect spot right in the centre of downtown." 

The pilot project is starting in the alley between Le Germaine on 9th Ave SW and the 100 block of Stephen Ave SW. 

"We’ll start here," explained De Iaco. "Here’s the pilot right behind Stephen Avenue and we think that this is a great platform to test new ideas and new concepts about how we can activate this space and how we can make better use of it."