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Heat warning declared for southern Alberta


After a cool spring, the summer heat is finally here in full force.

Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) has declared a heat warning for southern Alberta.

Temperatures in Lethbridge are expected to be around 30 C into next week.

"This event looks to be the start of a very warm stretch without a real obvious end to it. We could see some cooler temperatures, but it would take until next week to see those," said Armel Castellan, a warning preparedness meteorologist with ECCC.

While many will be happy to finally experience the summer heat, it's not without its drawbacks.

It doesn't take long for heat like this to become dangerous for people outside.

The best advice is to stay out of the sun.

"Seeking shade is a way we can help protect ourselves. Of course, rescheduling our activities into the cool part of the day,” said Dr. Christopher Sikora with Alberta Health Services.

Organizations around Lethbridge are finding ways to beat the heat.

The Lethbridge Interfaith Food Bank is currently running its annual water drive.

Donated water will be given to the homeless and other vulnerable people to help keep them hydrated.

"It is a life or death situation. We have a lot of community members who don't have the ability to get out of the hot sun, either because they're unhoused or unable at the moment. So working in partnership with the other food bank as well as so many other distribution partners will get that bottled water into the hands of the people who need it most," said Danielle McIntyre, Interfaith Food Bank executive director.

The City of Lethbridge is also taking steps to keep residents safe during the heat wave.

That includes re-activating the fire ban for the river valley.

"It's been very dry, the last few days. We've had some winds. Luckily, not too much wind but we've had someone winds. These high temperatures with 30 C plus just dries everything out,” said Troy Hicks, Lethbridge Fire and Emergency Services chief fire marshal.

The city is bringing back ways for residents to cool off such as the public water stations, available around the city.

Spray parks also now have expanded hours from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Top Stories

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