Health officials are reviewing an earlier decision to remove nurse practitioners at the Cochrane and Airdrie Urgent Care Centres and have rescinded a memo that was sent out to staff earlier in the week.
Alberta Health Services says it heard from a number of health professionals at a meeting on Thursday night and in light of what was learned the health agency has decided to further review the staffing and clinical models at the centres.
Physicians, nurse practitioners and other healthcare workers told officials they were concerned about the quality of health care provided at the centres and they gave officials more information on workload and the pressures they face.
The AHS says they will look into the issue as it relates to nurse practitioners and physicians and says quality of patient care is its first priority.
The Ahs released a statement on Friday and apologized for any confusion on the issue saying:
“We recognize that a more detailed analysis of the care needs and staffing model should have been done earlier in the process, before the decision was made and announced. We apologize to the physicians, nurse practitioners, staff and to the communities for the confusion.”
The AHS says that it needs to have a better understanding of the potential impact of the prior decision and the review is expected to be completed within 60 days.
The health authority says It will involve further discussion with the physicians and nurse practitioners as well as other urgent care centres.