LETHBRIDGE, ALTA. -- Thursday marks the reopening of some Lethbridge businesses like restaurants and bars, but the ways they have to get ready to open the doors go beyond mere meal prep.

Restaurant and bars are coming up with new recipes for success that lift some dine-in restrictions while preventing the spread of COVID-19.                                                                           

Owner of Bread Milk and Honey Michael Knipe said they’re trying to do just that now that they can bring in a few tables again.

“Making sure your tables are two meters apart, making sure that there’s enough walk way between people that will be ordering at a till... or would be at a table," Knipe said.

Knipe said for the time being they continue using to go cups and containers.

Since Alberta Health Services implemented a 50 per cent capacity or fewer rule, Head Chef of Sisters Pub and Grill Greg Moody said they will be asking customers to wait to be seated or make a reservation - especially if they want to enjoy patio drinks.

Lethbridge restaurant

“I think people need a little bit of respite from what we’ve been going through for the last two months," Moody said. "So I wouldn’t begrudge them sitting in the sun as long as they’re socially distancing.”

Moody said Sisters will be opening up the patio but it won’t allow for the same amount of customers as it did before COVID-19.

Even with new protocols in place and the excitement building to re-open, it's not certain if the public is ready to dine in or not. Knipe said it’s hard to say how people will react once restrictions are lifted.

“You don’t know if people are going to feel they do want to venture out for their mental health or if they just want to stay at home because they just want to stay super safe.”

Feeling the same way, Moody said he’s pleased with the decision to reopen but he expected that the food and beverage industry would be one of the last waves to relaunch.

“A lot of people are still going to be nervous about coming out," he said, "so I don’t anticipate massive crowds banging on the door to get in.”                                                                    

 Even with a couple of lingering doubts, both Knipe and Moody are excited to bring back a sense of normality to people in the community.

Recreational activities within bars, cafes, or pubs are not allowed at this time.