As Justice Robin Camp waits to hear if he will lose his job, the victim in the rape case he presided over is speaking out.
The 24-year-old cannot be identified due to a publication ban, but told CTV that she thinks Camp should be removed from the bench.
The issue began with a rape trial, the woman accusing Alex Wagar of raping her at a house party in 2011. The judge in the case, Robin Camp, asked her why she just couldn’t keep her knees together, suggesting she didn’t try hard enough to prevent the rape.
“I felt pretty belittled, ashamed of myself, just very hurt and uncomfortable with the comments and having to go to a hearing and re-tell the story and how his comments affected me,” she said. “Why would they let him stay?”
An inquiry committee has now recommended Camp's removal from the bench. Advocates for the rights of victims say it’s the right decision.
“People, I think, are really sick and tired of this kind of attitude being displayed in one of our most revered institutions, and institution that reflects how people feel, but I think people are starting to say no, enough, this is not appropriate, it needs not to exist in our criminal justice system and in fact it would inhibit people from reporting, so that message was loud and clear,” said Danielle Aubry, Calgary Communities Against Sexual Abuse
The federal Justice Minister and the Canadian Judicial Council will decide Camp’s fate.
The only other dismissal cases in Canada ended with the two judges quitting before they could be fired.
“I'm not concerned whether it's quitting or fired, as long as he's not a provincial judge,” said the woman in the case.
She said that in the end, the case has changed her for the better and she feels like an advocate for victim’s rights.
“It’s made me grow as a stronger person, it’s made me dig deeper beyond what people look at you, and I just feel more confident in myself,” she said. “I’ve had at least two women who were either at the retrial or in the hearing that have just come up to me and said, I have never had the strength to ever even speak about it let alone go do a retrial and a hearing, and they just congratulated me and were so proud and it just brought me to tears.”
As for Alex Wagar, the man charged with the rape, his re-trial has ended and he will hear his fate on January 31.