There are thousands of women working in the sex trade industry in Canada and for many there does not seem to be a way out but one Calgary woman is changing that and is our Inspiring Albertan this week.

Lisa has led a life that has taken her down roads she never intended to travel.

Three years ago, she hit rock bottom and the Servants Anonymous Society of Calgary was there to help her restore her life and her dignity.

“I came in to the safe house first and then I came in to programs and just the love and the inspirations that they have here is just amazing,” said Lisa.

The Servants Anonymous Society provides long-term and ongoing programs for women over 16 who are victims or at risk of becoming victims of sexual exploitation.

The program was formed 25 years ago and is headed up by Marina Giacomin.

Giacomin admits she has had her own struggles but was fortunate to have a supportive family and is glad she has the opportunity to help people like Lisa.

‘When they come to us they're really in a place where they're feeling quite broken and so they may not have a whole lot of support left in the community or they're estranged from their family, they've, you know they've connected with people that really prey upon them,” said Giacomin.

Giacomin says they are the most resilient, determined women she has ever met.

The Servants Anonymous Society of Calgary owns a large building in the southeast.

The facility has a kitchen and a safe house and also operates as a business to provide an income for the organization and the women who work there while they are receiving treatment.

Once a woman completes the program, a graduation ceremony is held and she is wrapped in a quilt to remind her of the warmth and comfort she received.

Lisa credits the people and the program for helping her get to where she is today.

“Today I work at the safe house, um, I'm two years clean, I help women who come in now,” said Lisa.

“Being able to help young women and maybe provide some of that support and kindness and compassion that I was offered in my own life is really, I can't imagine doing anything else,” said Giacomin.

“Marina is very loving, very supportive, outgoing and just has so much love for us,” said Lisa.

For all she does to help young women get their lives back on track, Marina Giacomin is our inspiring Albertan this week.

The Servants Anonymous Society of Calgary is a community partner in the Raising the Roof Campaign and is selling toques for $10 to raise money to end youth homelessness.

Click HERE to send an email to order a toque from the society.