Warm weather is in the forecast for the next few days and emergency officials are reminding Calgarians to stay off the rivers this weekend and say conditions are dangerous even for the most experienced boaters.

Officials with the Calgary Fire Department, Calgary Police Service and Animal & Bylaw Services were checking out the conditions in the Bow River on Friday.

“We advise that people continue to stay off of the rivers, as the water is still very fast and has poor visibility, making it dangerous for even experienced paddlers, kayakers and rafters,” said Deputy Chief Ken Uzeloc of the Calgary Fire Department. “Over the past few weeks, our Aquatic Rescue team has responded to calls of overturned boats and missing boaters. We do not want anyone to be harmed or to take unnecessary risks.”

Last year’s flood prompted officials to issue a river safety advisory because of the many new and unknown hazards in and around the rivers.

That safety advisory is still in effect as is the high-flow stream advisory that was issued at the end of May.

“As a Partner in River Safety, we want to ensure that when conditions are appropriate, that all citizens know and follow the bylaws to stay safe on the water,” said Dorlene Hemm, Operations Coordinator with Animal & Bylaw Services.

Calgary Bylaw Officers will be out this weekend enforcing water safety bylaws and CFD and CPS boats will be on the water reminding people about the conditions and safety concerns.

For more information on river advisories and river safety click HERE.