Thousands of disappointed fans are taking matters into their own hands when it comes to getting Garth Brooks tickets.

Tickets for the show sold out on in just 58 seconds on Saturday.

Calgary photographer Nicole Butz is offering to trade a professional photo shoot for tickets to see Brooks' sold out show.

"If you want a professional photographer to be with you for a couple of hours and give you all of the photos and all of the digital files, especially if they're all edited, that's incredibly expensive," said Butz.

On Monday, several more offers popped up online including a woman who is willing to trade a diamond ring, a family willing to trade a boat tube and a man willing to trade a PlayStation 3 and all his games.

One local couple was able to get a hold of six tickets and is now running a contest to give away two of them.

Michaelle LeManne and Matt Lamb will give the tickets to whoever they feel is the most worthy.

"I understand the end result, a lot of outrage about the online reselling and that and to us it's not so much about that, this is more about paying it forward and who knows when the favour will be returned one day and when they're gonna pass it along," said Matt Lamb.

Stampede officials admit that they have been swamped with complaints.

Ticketmaster says it's investigating how many Garth tickets ended up on resale sites.

If scalpers are found to have bought more than six tickets, the excess tickets will be cancelled and put back up for sale.

LeManne and Lamb say they'll take applications for their ticket giveaway until the end of May and choose a winner by June 4th.

To be considered for the tickets, send them an email to