This weekend marks the one year anniversary since Canadian journalist Amanda Lindhout and Australian Nigel Brennan were kidnapped in Somalia.

28 year old Lindhout is from central Alberta.

As her family waits for word of her safe return they have issued this statement.

"The two families continue to work together to secure Amanda's and Nigel's safe release. With little outside support, the families, who have been united as one throughout this horrendous ordeal, continue to do everything and anything to gain the earliest possible release for their loved ones Amanda and Nigel.

Our thoughts and all our love are with Amanda and Nigel, today, just as they have been for the past 365 days, and just as they will be until they are safely home with us.

In issuing this brief joint statement the families hope that the media will respect their wishes to be left alone during this particularly emotional time."

Brennan and Lindhout from were kidnapped on August 23, 2008, along with local journalist Abdifatah Mohammed Elmi, who was released in January.