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Lethbridge gets a new theatre company to showcase city's storytellers

Experience Theatre is a new company launching its first production this weekend. Experience Theatre is a new company launching its first production this weekend.

A new theatre group is setting up shop in Lethbridge.

Experience Theatre will be showing its inaugural show this weekend. The debut play is called I Hear Abel Singing’ in the Field.

It tells the story of two brothers living in the prairies who are at odds with each other until the tension boils over.

It was originally written a few years ago by a former University of Lethbridge student.

Experience Theatre hopes to give local storytellers and artists a platform to tell their stories.

“It started off as a hopeful idea,” said Experience Theatre owner Jesse Thibert Bear Child, “Of OK, let’s get as many artists to do as much as they can here in the city and hopefully let’s get that ball running and it’s starting to travel down the mountain now.”

Experience Theatre owner Jesse Thibert Bear Child hopes to showcase Lethbridge artists and storytellers

The first show will be Sunday at Casa and run until April 24th.

Two more plays are planned for later this year. Top Stories

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