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Lethbridge businesses helping residents beat the heat

Many have been turning to pools like the Westminster outdoor pool to beat the heat. Many have been turning to pools like the Westminster outdoor pool to beat the heat.

Lethbridge has been no stranger to extreme heat over the last couple weeks.

The intense summer weather has had some businesses busier than ever.

Many have been turning to pools like the Westminster outdoor pool to beat the heat.

Life guards and staff at the pool have been dealing with larger-than-normal crowds.

“It's been hot and obviously families want to spend their time around the pool," said Westminster pool head life guard, Cole Wirun. "Here we have a great spot for that. We have a bunch of umbrellas and all that to keep you in the shade and also the pool to keep you nice and cooled off."

Air conditioning companies booming

Air conditioning companies have had their hands full too.

With most AC units in Lethbridge running right now at full blast, there's been plenty of breakdowns to deal with.

“We're pretty busy," said Courtney Stinson, journeyman refrigeration mechanic for KB Heating and Air Conditioning. "We're trying to keep up as best as possible. We're looking at this week for any kinds of breakdowns we're having and we're about two weeks out for installs right now."

The heat also has plenty of people looking at installing AC units of their own.

That means installations may be a bit longer than most would like.

The best advice is to get your unit installed before heat waves.

“I usually say spring time," Stinson said. "Really, any time you can get a quote done and get some installs. But really -- spring time before the heat wave hits (works best). We tend to tell people to get there before the heatwave hits.”

Workers stay cool

The workers he hires to keep us cool have to try their best to stay cool themselves.

Being outside in 35 degree heat can take its toll if they're not careful.

“It's keeping us busy, that's obviously what we want,"  said Wirun. "With the heat and all that. It's important for us life guards to always be wearing our sun screen, taking our water and wearing hats and staying away from the sun.”

The worst of the heat wave appears to be coming to an end soon.

Temperatures are expected to dip below 30 degrees starting Thursday. Top Stories


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