Shayna Conway, the only survivor of a murder-suicide near Claresholm, continues to make amazing progress in a Calgary hospital.

Conway is the sole survivor of the shooting tragedy that claimed the lives of four others on Highway 2.

On Thursday, December 15, Derek Jensen shot and killed Tabitha Stepple, Mitch MacLean and Tanner Craswell before turning the gun on himself.

Conway was shot with a 9mm weapon three times and survived the ordeal.

The family's pastor, Rob Dale, says that Conway was moved to the rehabilitation wing of the hospital on Wednesday.

Dale says that Conway will now be getting increased physiotherapy, occupational therapy and recreational therapy.

He says that therapists plan to spend as much as four hours a day working with Conway.

A trust fund has been set up at TD Canada Trust to help with the costs of Conway's treatment and recovery.

  • Account # 6480005
  • Branch # 80679
  • Cheques can be made out in the name of Scott Conway or S Conway.