The gift giving is underway at Air Canada and the airline is bringing home some Canadians living abroad for the holidays.

Air Canada’s “Gift of Home for the Holidays” video on YouTube surfaced on Wednesday and shows two pilots walking into the Maple Leaf pub in London England on November 27 with a red box.

The pub in the heart of the city is a favourite with Canadians and carries bottled beer and hockey on the big screen so was filled with patrons when the pilots arrived.

The two aviators mingle with pub goers asking them what they miss about home and then ring a bell to make an announcement.

“Because we are in the holiday season, I’d like to take this occasion to offer everybody here, present this evening, a round,” said one pilot.

The announcement was met with cheers but there was more to the story and a round meant more than a free drink.

“When we say a round, we mean round trip tickets for everyone to go back to Canada for the holiday season,” said the other pilot.

That brought a round of bigger cheers and most just couldn’t believe they were in the right place at the right time.

“My husband’s sister is pregnant so we’ll get to see her,” said one woman.

The celebration ended with a few happy phone calls home and a round of O Canada

Click HERE to see the video on YouTube.