City crews were out in force on Tuesday morning clearing off another dusting of snow on the roads to keep traffic moving on major arteries.

Police are advising motorists to slow down and drive to conditions.

They say that from 2 a.m. Monday to 2 a.m. Tuesday, there were 290 non-injury crashes and 22 injury crashes in the city.

On Tuesday, from 5 a.m. to 4 p.m., there were 180 non-injury and six injury collisions.

The fresh snow means crews will have to set the clock back on the Snow Event Seven Day Plan.

Crews are out plowing those routes that carry more than 20,000 vehicles per day and the connector routes.

"The priority 1 and priority 2 routes and trouble spots like icy hills and icy bridge decks," said Carissa Vescio, City of Calgary Transportation.

Vescio says they aren't expecting much more snow over the next 24 hours so crews will likely be able to catch up on the priority routes and get to residential roads by the end of the week.

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