The battle over development at the Harvest Hills golf course continues, with residents voicing their concerns.

Wednesday night, hundreds of people packed a town hall meeting to voice their concerns over the proposed development plans.

A group of residents who call themselves “Calgarians for Responsible Development” organized the information session.

They’re hoping to build community opposition and get enough support to sway City Council to block rezoning applications for the golf course.

If the rezoning goes through, the golf course would be gone, to be replaced by homes for about 2 thousand people.

Stuart Cantrill with Calgarians for Responsible Development, says the loss of the golf course, would change their lifestyle.

“This community was built around the golf course and it’s one of the few lifestyle assets in the area. We get it, the City has got to grow, you want to manage urban sprawl while promoting densification, but cannibalizing our lifestyle assets and green space is not the answer, “ said Cantrill.

The developer named in the proposal, Cedarglen Homes, have had a number of information sessions on the development.

The issue won’t go before Council until next year.