From the populated urban centers of Calgary and Edmonton to the most remote areas of the province, more Albertans have the ability to connect to the Internet than ever before.

Under the Final Mile Rural Connectivity Initiative, high-speed satellite services have been granted to even the most remote and sparsely populated regions.

The goal of the project was set back in November 2011 by Premier Redford when she pledged to have 98 percent of the population have access to the World Wide Web.

“From the creation of the SuperNet to the Final Mile, Alberta has ensured a level playing field for all of its citizens, no matter where they live. It opens new markets, invests in families and communities and sets the stage for continued prosperity, ” says Manmeet S. Bhullar, Minister of Service Alberta.

Having access to the Internet makes a big difference in Albertans’ lives, says Verlyn Olson, Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development. “You can run a business, earn a degree, access health care, or stay in touch with family. I expect that rural Albertans will take full advantage of all of these opportunities and more.”

The Government of Alberta says it will be continuing to monitor the expansion of services through the province and work with Internet Service Providers to maintain accurate service coverage.